
Sunday, September 30, 2012

CCSS Mathematical Practices

The CCCSS have identified 8 teacher practices for Mathematics, these practices are to be incorporated into lessons throughout each week and unit. Obviously, not every lesson will included all 8 practices, but teachers are encouraged to use as many of the practices as frequently as they can.

The 8 CCSS Mathematical Practices are listed below::

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
2. Reason abstractly and quanitatively
3. Construct viable arguements and critique the reasoning of others
4. Model with mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools strategically
6. Attend to precision
7. Look for and make use of structure
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them:
Look-For Teachers: Provides time for and facilitates the discussion of problem solutions.
Look-For Scholars: Are actively engaged in solving problems.
Reason abstractly and quanitatively:
Look-For Teachers: Provides a range of representations of mathematical ideas and problem situations and encourages varied solution paths.
Look-For Scholars: Use varied representations and approaches when solving problems.
Construct viable arguements and critique the reasoning of others:
Look-For Teachers: Provides opportunities for students to listen to or read the conclusions and arguments of others.
Look-For Scholars: Understand and use prior learning in constructing arguments.
Model with mathematics:
Look-For Teachers: Provides a variety of contexts for students to apply the mathematics learned.
Look-For Scholars: Apply mathematics learned to problems they solve and reflect on results.
Use appropriate tools strategically:
Look-For Teachers: Use appropriate tools (manipulatives) instructionally to strengthen the development of mathematical understanding.
Look-For Scholars: Use technological tools to deepen understanding.
Attend to precision:
Look-For Teachers: Emphasizes the importance of mathematical vocabulary and models precise communication.
Look-For Scholars: Based on a problem’s expectation, students calculate with accuracy and efficiency.
Look for and make use of structure:
Look-For Teachers: Provides time for applying and discussing properties.
Look-For Scholars: Look for, develop, and generalize arithmetic expressions.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning:
Look-For Teachers: Models and encourages students to look for and discuss regularity in reasoning.
Look-For Scholars: Use repeated applications to generalize properties.

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