
Monday, December 10, 2012

A Resource for CCSS Mathematical Practices

The graphic above illustrates the relationship of the eight CCSS Mathematical Practices. This same graphic can be found and explained in the link included within the article below.

Many teachers keep asking the question, "How can I implement the CCSS Mathematical Practices in my classroom?" Many of the practices teachers have been implementing for years are actually still viable options it's just a matter of using them accordingly and appropriately. Recently a great link was shared demonstrating the relationship between the mathematical practices and a way to visualize how the eight practices can overlap. The following link, Implementing the CCSS Mathematical Practices highlights how the practices overlap with each other. Additionally it offers suggestions about how to implement them appropriately. Please use the link to your advantage in appropriately incorporating the practices in your daily math lessons. As always feel free to share your thoughts about the link and how it benefits you professionally.

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