
Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Waste of Time

We all do it, whether or not intentional or subconsciously, it’s inevitable. We all end up doing things through the course of the day that waste time. The key is to identify these moments, correct them, and limit the time we waste in an effort to maximize the time we spend instructing and fostering the growth of our scholars.

Below are just a couple of ways teachers waste time:

• Writing on the board (White, Promethean, or otherwise) for students to copy
This can be done in advance, so that you don't have to waste time writing.
• When a teacher takes time to distribute papers and materials
This can be done by scholars in the room by providing them with access and the freedom to get their own materials.
• When a teacher loses time in a transitioning from one activity to another
This can be avoided by having norms, routines, and clear expectations for following directions and classroom behavior
• When a teacher does not have an effective system that minimizes the effect of students leaving class for the restroom or office
Again it is important to have rules and routines in place that limit the number of in-class disruptions.
• When a teacher does not have a system for absent students to make up missed work
In previous posts we've discussed various apps to help with this, such as Educreations. Regardless all teachers should have a protocol for students to follow when they're absent so then can get caught up as quick as possible. Again, this is another example of how having various forms of social media can help accurately and timely communicate all necessary information

In summary all class time should be focused around effective instruction. Students should be presented with various opportunities to collaborate, share their work, display their work, and get feedback from everyone. There should be a variety of opportunities for everyone to both teach and learn throughout each instructional time period. You can't save time in a bottle so you might as well maximize the opportunities you have, which in most cases is a little more than 180 days of school each year.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are wonderful reminders! Much thanks!
