
Monday, May 13, 2013

Whats Tech Got to Do With It?

There is a lot of talk these days about implementing technology into the classroom. Schools are rushing out and looking for resources to purchase iPad carts, various tablets, and netbooks. While having technology is great it doesn't necessarily replace the teacher or the instruction. In order for all of these devices to be effective there needs to be an understanding that these are tools, tools that if used appropriately will enhance instruction. However, if they're not used appropriately they can have a negative effect on instruction and more dramatically learning. As schools rush out to purchase all of these products they should keep the following questions in mind;

1. How will this technology help instruction?

2. How will this technology increase student learning?

3. Who will provide appropriate and timely professional development to train teachers?

Ultimately the key concern is purchasing new devices and then having them sit out on the sidelines or not being used appropriately. These tools should help teachers and students _______ (you fill in the blank). If you can't complete this simple sentence then you probably should hold off purchasing the technology until you can. The same should be said for any App that you put on your device. The idea is not for the technology to replace the teacher but for it to enhance the lesson and resulting learning experience for every scholar. Make sure that you and your staff have a clear vision for your intended technology use.

In reality using technology should be viewed more as the CCSS Teacher Practices for Mathematics, particularly practice number 5: Use appropriate tools strategically. Be able to ask yourself, which technology resources are going to help me solve this problem? How will this new technology assist me with modeling mathematics? What action(s) do I expect scholars to take while using this technology?

To help select App's for your iPad, I've included a link from Greg Kulowiec's article on Edudemic, that sorts the numerous reasons that you would want to purchase select App's. He poses the question, "I want my students to ____", then you select the app that meets your needs. I hope you find this helpful, please feel free to share your thoughts.

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