
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Additional Elementary Math Resources

Recently I came across a couple of websites that I would like to share. Each of these are resourceful in adding additional value to the games many of our scholars are currently playing. Some of the games are actually found on websites we're already using, yet, they've been aligned to specific content.

The first website is Figure This! Figure This! provides a variety of math problems that can be selected according to content. For example if you're looking for problems pertaining to algebra or measurement, this website offers various challenges for each focus area. Then within each focus area you can select specific areas of study. For example, if you go into the measurement section, you can select challenges with regards to angels and length, area, estimation, rates, volume, etc. This website is a great additional resource for both in school and at home practice.

The second website I would like to mention is from Center School District. They've created a website that provides additional practice for Everyday Math lessons. When you go to the website the homepage allows you to select the grade level you're looking for. From there you will be directed to a page that provides the specific numbered lessons for each unit and games they suggest (from various websites with links) that can be used as additional resources with each lesson. Again, these are great resources that can be used both at home and in class.

Please try them out and let us know what you think.

Happy Gaming!

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