
Friday, November 16, 2012

Everyday Math Online (Resources for Home)

Everyday Math has updated it's online website, EM Online, once again to include many more user friendly resources for students and parents to use together at home. Has your child left their homework assignment at school? No worries you can print one off (in Engligh or Spanish). Having trouble understanding the work your child is doing or not sure about the games they're playing? Access the online Student Reference Book (SRB) in both English and Spanish. Now the question is, how do you access all of these resources and more? Well if you read below we'll give you an overview of how to login to EM Online and use all of it's wonderful resources.

First you will need to make sure that your scholar has his or her respective student Username and Login. Then you will want to go to the following website, (Pictured below)

After you enter the Username you will be prompted to the following screen where you will want to input the student password.

After this your computer screen will immediately display the homescreen. From here you will have access to all the information you need that pertains to the work your child is doing in school. There are three primary categories, Home Connections, Games & Practice, and Checking In.

Home Connections provides you with printable Family Letters, you know the ones you typically get prior to a unit and probably misplace before the end of it. These letters are available in both English and Spanish. Another item in Home Connections is the Home Link & Study Link, these are the homework assignments, which again are offered in English and Spanish (and printable). There are also Do-Anytime Activities which provide at home options that can be worked on in conjunction with each unit through the school year. Finally you will notice that there is the Interactive Student Reference Book. This is the exact same resource that students use in school and as with everything else in this section can be found in both English and Spanish.

The second section is Games & Practices. Here you will first come across a suggested game that should be played with each lesson in the respective unit. This first link includes the rules to the game and if necessary a game board. These are also provided in both English and Spanish. If your child is having difficulty with fluency well EM Online offers two great resources for practice. EM Facts Workshop Game and the Fact Dash Game both provided students with opportunities to practice their fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These games have various levels and can be extrememly challenging so even high performing students (and adults) can have fun practicing their facts while playing these games. The last component to this section is the link for all EM Online Games. This link provides access to all the games that are available online. It defaults all users to their respective grade level but students can elect to play games from other grade levels. There are both one and two player games and we encourage you to compete against your child when possible.

The third section, Checking In, is primarily teacher provided content. If the classroom teacher creates an assignment for a particular lesson you will see it appear in this section. These are typically a series of questions that are checking in on the progress of students.

In addition to the big three, there are a couple of other items you will want to pay attention to when you and your student login to the site. Here is a picture of the left side of the home screen with some of the other options and information that is provided for most lessons.

You will notice at the very top, there is a list of each unit and the number of lessons. This allows you to select the exact lesson your child is working on. You should also notice that there is a number indicated, the first number represents the unit and the second number (after the decimal) displays the lesson. For example, 8.3 represents unit 8 and lesson 3. You can match these numbers to those listed on the top of the assignments your student brings home. You will also notice on the left a section titled, Lesson Pages. This section indicates the pages in the journal that should be completed along with any reference book pages that will provide additional instructions or support. The left side also provides information pertaining to the vocabulary terms that are aligned to each lesson. Finally, at the bottom left you should notice the Read About Math area. These are suggested readings that are relevant to the content of lesson or unit.

Please take some time with your scholar to explore the website and all of its wonderful resources. Let us know how it's working for you or if you have any questions.

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